MDM wins Audience Award at Mill Valley Film Festival

We were honored to be presented with the Audience Award at MVFF!  Daniel and Patricia Ellsberg, Pete McCloskey, and Mike Gravel were all there for the screening and panel discussion sponsored by the New York Times.  Thanks for a great festival!


  1. General Browns comment “The American people are only told about 1 % of what is really going on” was shocking, but I refer to The Most Dangerous Man in America Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers’ reviews to support “less than 1% is reported to the American public” to my experience in my “political” quest to pursue knowledge in freedom.
    To that point, I allege that President Reagan may have been targeted then by an unknown weapon termed in another film (at my request) “The Pentagon Ray Gun” by 60 Minutes and noted in Iron Man. As maybe perfected by SAI (also in Iron Man) it is not safe for “future riot control.” Today used as a presidential weapon of choice by Bush to target his enemies, Nixon did use the IRS on hate list victims—it does not kill but causes dementia. President Reagan knew too much as alleged in TRANCE Formation of America by Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips, which I confirmed by FBI operative’s help to interview Senator Bird’s secretary, for trafficking (etc.) Alleged coke use by Cheney takes up his three days’ delay to report to avoid a possible blood test after his hunting shooting in Texas—and use for his reported aneurisms. Also in conspiracy to attack Reagan based lies by father Bush for the WH Iran illegal weapon transfer not to be approved as “arms for hostages” [Reagan would not negotiate with enemies (National Security Association ethics based on the John Birch mentality) but for alleged presented as an east-west logic. Allegedly, (as reported to former PM Shamir at George Washington University early 80s) wherein, the WH weapons’ export served to expand the Islamic revolution in Iran to spread into the southern part of the USSR to upset the USSR—that logic was Reagan based for his presidential directive.
    During my extended study at Georgetown University (etc.), I was introduced to a Mr. McClatchen from Vienna, Va., who confirmed my Nixon listing adding that he was told to retire after completing the Ls, in the alphabet listing of Nixon’s hate list, not to get to my last name.
    In the 60s a complication of remarkable sophistications that may have involved also the National Security Association—a subversive group formed after WWII to prevent the rise of another Hitler or any new major religion that would sway the American public out of Christianity—and an elite FBI religious community (Opus De?) was culturally shocking for their endgame. I was targeted for my interest in the axiology comparison of three major world psychiatrics for aspects of cultural differences. I was outside the new draft limits to complete a major line of study to four years, being in my fifth year of a six year specialized program approved for a dual major by my department chairman advisor. Suffice it to say, my report of FBI misconduct matters to WDC FBI HQ led to a government sponsored “auto accident” that upon further complaint brought in two trusted Utah Mormon FBI agents, who confirming my story facts, told me, “You are to lay low. You are not going to believe what you are going to see happen in the next few months.” Watergate occurred.
    In the early 70s, the 60s observed FBI patterns called for the re-opening of the Kennedy Assassination to Senator Stokes.
    In the mid 80s, after exposing a perceived “illegal” weapon WH approved [Bosnia] transfer [diverted] to Iraq to DOS, I had met with Peres for Israel’s alleged 68 million disassemble of the assassination weapons’ cost may have based a movie.
    I was a victim of the “Pentagon Ray Gun” use after my verified report was submitted to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Pre-Iraq and again attacked when it along with “Enable Danger” Army Intelligence and special unit FBI’s reports may have been relied upon to remove Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld who signed off for Arabs access to WPAFB to “down load all the intelligence on all our airports.”(out of word space).

  2. Congratulations, Rick and Judy, for The Audience Award Best Documentary in the Mill ValleyFilm Festival 2009

  3. Catherine Quindiagan

    I am sorry the forgotten hero, Tony Russo, could not be there. He went to jail, same as Ellsberg, with none of the credit in the press. Ellsberg was much more photogenic than the ” big rumpled bear of a man”. I will forever miss Tony. I have not seen the documentary. I hope Tony was given his due.